I pray that you read everything here with an open heart.  This discussion isn’t to judge or offend anyone, instead push people to think and ask the big  question What if…?.

Here are the questions:

Do you ….

believe in Jesus? (death for all sin, resurrection from death)

have a routine when it comes to church? (where you sit, what time you show up, what people you talk to at church, etc)

go to church feeling obligated? (by parents, by children, by the pastor, by other church members)

pray outside of church? (spend time calling out to the Lord, thanking or asking about anything)

volunteer any time at the church? (choir, usher, scripture reader, Sunday school teacher, etc)

leave church feeling full and energized? (happy, thankful, wanting to grow and learn more, etc)

What if we….

push ourself to reach people in need?

place God first in all our daily activities?

decide to do everything in the name of Jesus Christ?

show His love instead of only talking about it?

have open discussions about Jesus with our family and friends? (Christians and non-believers)

WHAT IF WE … get so excited about Christianity and remove the OFF SWITCH in our life?  I can promise you that by strengthening and growing each other, our efforts will be rewarded as both individuals and our society.  I’m not asking you to LEAVE your comfort zone, I’m asking you to EXPAND your comfort zone to including sharing the salvation.  If you plant the seed in a persons heart, God will make it grow.

Start expanding and planting your seeds today.  Come back and share with us the rewards you have seen or felt through your effort.

Best Wishes,
